Mindfulness for Parents of Toddlers Skip to main content

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Have you ever wondered whether the practice of mindfulness could benefit parents of toddlers? Our research study is dedicated to exploring the potential benefits of mindfulness for parents with young children.

Mindfulness, a practice rooted in awareness, self-compassion, and the experience of connection with a higher power or fellow human beings, has shown promise in promoting well-being and reducing stress.

In our study, we are actively seeking parents of typically developing children aged between 16 and 48 months. We are also interested in parents of children who have an older sibling with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). By comparing these two groups, we aim to gain insights into the potential influence of mindfulness on parents in different family contexts.

Participation in our study involves the parent engaging in an 8-week mindfulness course, which will equip them with valuable mindfulness techniques and practices. During this period, participants will be asked to complete periodic questionnaires to assess changes in their well-being, stress levels, and overall mindfulness. Your involvement in this study will not only contribute to scientific knowledge but also offer you the opportunity to enhance your mindfulness skills and well-being.

As a token of our appreciation for your participation, study participants have the chance to earn between $45 and $85, with the amount varying based on the level of participation. Your commitment to this research can help us better understand the potential benefits of mindfulness for parents, making a positive impact on your life and countless others. We look forward to welcoming you to this important exploration of mindfulness in the realm of parenting.